Saturday, April 16, 2011

Want to be a Mystery Shopper? Shadow Shopper is Hiring!

I have always wanted to give secret shopping a try. When I worked in retail we always had secret shoppers come in and rate us! I think it would be cool to be the secret shopper. Usually a secret shopper gets paid to shop/review products, stores, restaurants and more! Click Here

*Ok, I just signed up and looked into it. There is a lot of great FREE information on mystery shopping HOWEVER, they ask that you sign up for a paying membership to get apply for any jobs. I don't recommend spending any money to become a member. 

1 comment:

  1. There are some really great free places. I work with (and have gotten paid for) Corporate Research International, Market Force and Second to None. Those are my big 3, and I have done a few others on occasion. I agree with you - don't use a site that you have to pay to get jobs!


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