Using coupons is not just cutting a coupon and taking it to a store. In order to get the best possible price, there are certain strategies and organization skills that you have to learn. In my guide to couponing, I cover the basics of coupons, using incentive programs at retailers, saving at the grocery store, making money online, getting free stuff in your mailbox and much more. This 30 page guide is filled with useful information and helpful tips for those beginning and for the seasoned couponers.
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Using coupons is not just cutting a coupon and taking it to a store. In order to get the best possible price, there are certain strategies and organization skills that you have to learn. In my guide to couponing, I cover the basics of coupons, using incentive programs at retailers, saving at the grocery store, making money online, getting free stuff in your mailbox and much more. This 30 page guide is filled with useful information and helpful tips for those beginning and for the seasoned couponers.