Monday, July 19, 2010

The BIG Target Toy Clearance!

Target has a HUGE Toy clearance twice a year. It is time for the BIG Second toy clearance this year. I have heard that the toys are currently marked 30-50% and are scattered among the toy isles. They should soon be moving them to their own clearance isle and go 50-75% off!!! Be sure to scan the toys because a lot of times the prices don't get changed on the toys right away! I will post when the toys go down to 75% off! Do not buy at 30%! It is not a great deal and it is inevitable that it will be marked down further! 50% off is OK, but 75% off is the absolute best you can get!

Twice a year I stock up on toys during the Target toy clearance. I have a toy closet that I fill for Christmas and for birthdays! The bigger items I store in the attic. I only buy at 75% off! Have Fun!

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