Sunday, July 18, 2010

CVS Rant....I am not a happy blogger!

OK, I am only human so I am allowed to rant every once in a while. I just have to share what happened to me today in hopes that others will share their stories about this particular store. There needs to be a change at this store and if others are willing to take a stand then maybe something will be done.

For those of you that shop in Florence, SC or travel through and decide to shop, stay FAR FAR away from the Irby St. CVS. From the beginning of my couponing 4 years ago I have had problems at this particular store using coupons. It is not just one single cashier ruining it for us, it is the managers that are making couponing difficult and discouraging for the majority of us. Most of the problems that I have had at this store have been resolved through customer service and even the District Manager in my favor. 9 times out of 10 I am 100% right and the store is 100% wrong. After many phone calls and reports about this store, the same managers are still working there! I just don't understand how a store that is supposed to be the Main store in the district can run this way on a continuous basis. I can tell you that EVERY single time I have to shop that store there is an issue at checkout that either forces me to take something off my order and not buy it or leave out of there in tears. This is not an occasional occurrence either, this is every time I shop there.

So now to explain why I am ranting today. First of all, let me start with a story that happened to me over a year ago in that store. I was shopping with printable coupons and the cashier said that they looked copied. I explained to the cashier that the coupons had different security codes on them so there was no way that they could have been copied. So the cashier calls the manager on duty over, Brian. He immediately takes the cashiers side and says he won't accept them. I showed him that there is no way that they could have been photocopied and he clearly stated, "I don't care, these are photocopied and I won't accept them". At that point his tone of voice was extremely rude and I knew that I had not copied them. I did not appreciate being accused of fraud and I was upset. Now, I did call him a jerk, which was out of line, but he was acting like one and I spoke my mind. I left and called customer service and never heard if anything was done at the store level about this.

So today I go in to get my weekly papers. In our town we have 4 CVS stores and each limits papers to 3 per person. So I have to drive all over town getting my papers so I am forced to go into that store. Since I had a rain check for the SOBE drinks for BOGO, I decided to go ahead and get them while I was there since they were actually in stock. I go to check out and the cashier calls the manager up, which happens to be Brian, to help her to ring up the BOGO. Immediately he says that he cant take the BOGO Sobe coupon. I asked why and he stated that I had to buy one and get 3 free. So I told him to just take it off because I have not had any problems using a BOGO coupon on a BOGO sale at any other CVS store. He did and then stated "Mrs Catoe, I would have taken that coupon had you not called me a jerk before". Then he proceeded to tell me that if I didn't like that store that I didn't have to shop there and that I could go elsewhere. At this point I was really upset because once again I was being singled out. Of course I told him that I didn't have a choice but to shop there but would certainly tell everyone I know not to shop there. So here I am, spreading the word.

You don't have to agree with me, but understand that this is not the first time, nor the second or third time that I have had problems with this store. I have had enough!

If you have had problems at this store also I would love to hear your story!

If you want to contact customer service to make a complaint you can call 1-800-746-7287 or send them an e-mail HERE.


  1. Had the same problem yesterday with the BOGOF Sobe at the Pamplico Hwy. location across from Carolina Hospital. Got the limit of 6, had a copy of the ad attached to the raincheck and proceeded to the checkout. Well the cashier (a man, Ugh!!) told me I could not use my BOGOF coupons on a BOGOF sale. Armed with the coupon policy, I began to read it to him which clearly states you can. He called his manager (another man, Ugh!!) and he tried his best to deny the fact that I could do it. He said, "I can't accept your coupon policy because I don't know where you got it from." I said, "Well lets just call corporate right now and get this little matter resolved once and for all." He said, "I will take them this time but until it's verified by corporate, if you come in here again, I will not take them." I replied, "You'll have to take them because I've called corporate before on this same matter and they told me what I'm telling you. You can use a BOGOF coupon on a BOGOF sale. He replied, "I understand that, and I said I would take them this time until it's verified by corporate." I replied, 'Let's go ahead and get them on the phone right now then." He said, "I told you I would take them this time," and proceeded witht the transaction. Needless to say, corporate will be calling them real soon to verify this!!!!!

  2. I had an issue at Target last week. I printed THEIR coupons, off THEIR web site and the cashier said those were not target coupons, they must be copies or fake. I asked her where she thought I got them, she did not know. But, she was sure they were not real! Since they scanned with no problem because they did come off the Target web site she did not give me any more trouble. I was about to tell her a thing or two.

  3. @ Coupon Keri . . . I would LOVE to see your "rant" sent in its entirety as a letter to the editor to the Florence Morning News. I would then hope that they would publish it.

  4. I think that consumers are now more versed in the store coupon policies than the employees. It may be beneficial for the stores to have their employees go through a "Coupon Keri class"! Most businesses seem very behind on the art of couponing.

  5. The only problems I've had with any CVS in Flo (never been to the Irby one) is that one cashier on Palmetto has a bad attitude- not necessarily with coupons, but with life in general I think. Oh, and no CVS in Florence carries my (prescription) iron supplements, so I always have to wait 2 days for them to order.

    So... if I'm not buying iron, and that cashier is off, my CVS trips are generally happy and result with me coming out with a big smile.

    But seriously... if your store has a rewards program like Extra Bucks, you should at least have the coupon and reward policy at the counter, know which coupons you take, etc. ECB, printable coupons... none of these are new things. They can call corporate, but corporate actually knows the policies and would stand behind what's published on the web.

    Amy Lauren

  6. While he was most certainly out of line, I wonder if he is a little weary of hard core couponers like us because because some have multiple Extra Care cards? Of course, for all I know, he doesn't know that you have 5 cards, so maybe that has nothing to do with his attitude.

  7. Paige, because I have so much trouble at that store I always use 1 card there and the same one so when I contact customer service about the issues I have, there would not be any confusion. (btw, I have 4 cards, not 5)

  8. For those that have had trouble at the Pamplico hwy store...your not the only one. I know about the cashier that is not a happy person and always cringe when I go in and see her because I like to enjoy my shopping trips. The best store to shop at in Florence is the one on the corner of 2nd Loop & Cashua and the one near the airport in the Food Lion shopping center. Also, the store in Darlington is my absolute favorite! :)

  9. I haven't had any problems YET! There was a nice little girl at Pamplico that gave me a raincheck on the BOGO Sobes. The girl on second loop had no problem ringing up my BOGO sobes. The young fellow on palmetto gave me a raincheck also. So I have two rainchecks and 12 coupons so far to try and use. Wish me luck wherever I go to get them. I have been enjoying the last ones that I got. I have ran into some at target that wasn't especially nice. There is one lady in Target that said she does coupons her self. She says she doesn't work on the weekends. So I told her that I would be shopping her shift all the time with my coupons.

  10. I have had trouble with the one on Palmetto St. One certain cashier. Target is always a hassle for coupons. Seems a little sketchy though to have 4 extra care cards for one family...

  11. As far as having more than one extra care card, everyones situation is different so please do not judge. Thanks!

  12. I for one cannot stand CVS!!! My company has a mail in r/x program that is suppose to "save" us money. Problem is, you have to wait 2 hours on a r/x and they have 6-8 people working behind the counter. Go to Target, they know you by name, they smile & greet you, and the max I've had to wait was 10 minutes. It must be a hiring protocal for CVS to hire miserable people. And FYI my family has 2 CVS cards, one I applied for & 1 my husband got all on his own. :-)

  13. I really don't need to get into ALL of my complaints at multiple stores. You Rock Keri! Clear the way for the rest of us!

  14. He should have never not take the coupons because you called him a jerk. I hope corporate responds. Please keep us posted!

  15. The Riteaid store in Darlington is awful!The manager there is mad at the world too.She had me so upset one day.All but accused me of stealing because I got some things free using coupons they put out on the internet.I decided to give them a second chance...Big mistake!She remembered me and stereotyped me as a con artist or something.Anyway I told her that she had no business working in the public and I would never shop there again.BTW her name is Tora, so avoid shopping there if she is working, she is awful!

  16. A lot of people have multiple Extra Care cards. I have one and my fiance has one, so when we get married, we'll have two cards in our household. Neither of us should have to give up a store card just because we get married and combine households.

    Oh and one time in Target, the lady in there stared at my printables for like forever... I think she was reading the fine print, seriously. Then she even went so far as to get my items out of the bag and compare them with the pictures. The funny thing was that the scanner took off for the coupon- so she really didn't have to check. I think she just wanted to bust a couponer that day or something.

  17. I have been having a similar problem with the Walgreens in Lumberton, NC. Most recently I was told that from now on I need to make all my purchases at the Cosmetic counter and to hand my coupons to the cashier prior to even placing the items I am planning on purchasing on the counter. So they can verify my coupons are legitimate. Majority of the time they are coupons from the Sunday paper. I try and make sure I always have my coupons and RR organized prior to even going to store. Just to make everything run smooth for the cashier and the other people waiting in line. The sad thing is that I donate most of the items I purchase to organizations.

  18. I am on the phone with Customer Service right now and he verified that I AM allowed to use a BOGO coupon with a BOGO sale and get both items FREE. He was also quite concerned about my treatment in the store and is calling their store manager right now. I am actually on hold while he is calling them! I will post if I hear anything else!

  19. I would like to add that is is CVS's policy, not some policy that I made up on my own, to accept a BOGO coupon along with a BOGO sale and receive both items free. It has been verified over the phone, in an e-mail and among other's that have asked customer service about the policy. If an item is on sale, you are allowed to use a coupon. Period. I stand up for myself and for the entire couponing community. We deserve to be treated better and demand that management be trained to know their policy and abide by it. And just to make sure I am perfectly clear, we as couponers are in no way ripping any store off if we are using our coupons in the mannor that they were meant to be used. Becuase we choose to use our form of payment as a coupon, rather than a credit card or cash does not make our payment any less important. I teach in my classes about couponing with integrity and I fully believe that if I am able to help teach those who attend my classes use coupons in the way that they are intended then I am helping the stores. Do not look down on couponers! I hold my head high because I am proud to save money so I can be at home with my family. Couponing is my job, being a wonderful servent of God, a mom and wife is my life! :) God Bless!!!

  20. Has anyone noticed that every comment on this blog is in the defense of Coupon Keri? Perhaps Coupon Keri conveniently omits comments posted by those who disagree, thereby validating those ommitted comments.

  21. Dear Anonymous, your previous post was deleted because it was completely out of line. This is what you said about me and my fellow couponers:

    "If you do not believe that you should have to exchange money for goods and services, then maybe you should try shoplifting. It takes less time and effort than your current scamming practices and I will sleep well knowing that there are empty individuals like you who remind me that I am an honorable person who can take pride in the fruits of my labor."

    Dear fellow blog readers and couponers, do you feel that this person posting this type of slander should be allowed to? I personally prefer to try to keep peace on my blog. This is the first person to post on my blog, other than spammers, that I have deleted their comment. What are your thoughts on this?


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