Friday, July 9, 2010

School Supplies - Find the Deals!!!

It's almost Back To School time and we need to start collecting our Back To School supplies NOW! The sales have started! I will keep updating this post when new deals come up!


Printable Coupons 7/7 - 7/11
Folders $0.01
Pencils $0.01
Paper $0.01


Notebooks $0.15
Rulers $0.50
Composition Books $0.15
Crayola Crayons $0.25
2 Pk Glue Sticks $0.25
Elmer's Glue $0.25
Folders $0.15
Book covers .50

Dixon 24 pk pencils .94
Padlock 2.47
40ct erasers 1.00
Sheet protectors 50ct 3.67
Post it 1.97
2 hi-lighters .64
Scissors .74
Rulers (bendable plastic) .92
Black 1 in binder .75
6 pk pink erasers 2.00
8 pk dry erase markers 5.00
Basic calculator 3.47
Sharpener 1.00
Pens 10pk 1.00
Loose leaf paper .75
Supply boxes .64 ( I noticed this varied by store )
Binder pouch .97


3 Day Sale 7/11
Papermate 10 count pens $0.99, receive $0.99 ECBs = FREE
Caliber 5" Soft Handle Scissors $0.99, receive $0.99 ECB = FREE


7/11 - 7/17:
Folders 8/$1
Mechanical Pencils $0.39
Ruler $0.29
Pencil Sharpener $0.29
Novelty Pencil $0.09
Mini Highlighter $0.09
Legal Pad $0.29
Envelopes $0.69
Index Cards $0.39
Poster board 3/$1


7/11 - 7/17
Glue Sticks (2ct.) $.20

Rose Art Markers (10ct.) or Colored Pencils (12ct.) $.50
Mead Composition, Poly or Fashion Notebooks $1


  1. WalMart also has the RoseArt markers for $.70. Notebook paper was $.75 when I went a couple days ago.

  2. Our WalMart has Crayola Crayons and Elmer's glue on sale for $.30 each. The Dollar Store had Fiskar Brand scissors. They are $1.50 at WalMart.


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