Sunday, June 5, 2011

E-Vic Members - Check Your e-Vic Coupons!

I logged in to my e-Vic coupons to see if anything new had been added and to my surprise there was a whole page and a half of all P&G coupons added!

Remember, the only way to access your e-Vic coupons is through the e-mail that is sent to you. You can go back to your e-Vic e-mail from Friday or from the e-mail with the weekly ad from Wednesday to get the link. Also, remember that there is a limit of 99 saved, so if it says you can't save anymore, you will have to remove some from your list.



  1. have a quick question: I just returned from my local Harris Teeter, and I double checked the policy before I left and according to their policy update as of June 3, 2011 I was ok. They have a special on the Philly Cooking Creme BOGO, each cost 2.99 I had a 2 coupons for $1 off 1 so for the BOGO I could use 2 and pay only $1.00. I had enough coupons to split my order (my husband bought 4 and I bought 4) and we had 4 coupons. We were told that the new policy says only three like coupons. I said no, it's 3 like items when doubling these coupons aren't doubled they are at face value (wish I brought the policy with me). Well we got the manager involved and not wanting to cause I scene I gave in and took back one coupon per order. I'm going to call corporate tomorrow and verify. I do follow all coupon regulations the store asks, so I was shocked when they said I wasn't following policy. Have you heard of this change? Can individual stores have their own policy? Not posted?

  2. This is the exact reason why having a copy of their coupon policy would have helped. It says nothing about a limit on coupons that are not doubled. Since you were using 4 coupons that were $1 and were not doubling, then there should not have been a limit on them. The policy only states a limit for doubled coupons. Of course, at the bottom of the policy it reads "Harris Teeter reserves the right to limit quantities in coupon usage, as well as products and to amend our policies as we deem appropriate." I would still call customer service so that the store will know their own policy. It really does help to call. Good Luck!

  3. Hi, I was just wondering about the limits. I had an evic coupon and bought 2 of an item on my last visit. It only used the evic once. can you only use one per visit? I know I had not reached the limit. thanks!

  4. You only have one chance to use the limit. If you purchased 2 and the limit was 4, you loose the other 2 at that e-Vic price. They all have to be purchased in the same transaction.


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